Other cool stuff on the web

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About bicycles, urban cycling, bike travelling...
[IT] Bikeitalia.it: portale italiano a 360° sul mondo della bicicletta. Facebook. Twitter.
[IT] Life in Travel: blog di viaggi in bici, montagna, outdoor. Facebook. Twitter.
[IT] Bicycle TV: web Tv su ciclismo urbano, cicloturismo, ecc... Facebook. Twitter.
Cycling Embassy of Denmark
[BR] A pedalada do futuro já começou.

May the wind always be at your back...

Cool bicycle travellers
[IT] Enzo "Biciclenzo", from Italy going East, currently (October 2014) in Vietnam.
[IT] Daniele and Simona, who left from Rome in July 2014 to cycle around the world. (Facebook. Twitter.)
[IT] Dino Lanzaretti e il Tibet
[IT] Rumundu, around the world searching for stories and sustainable lifestyles (Facebook. Twitter.)
[IT] Alain il Viaggiatore, around Europe from January to December 2013.
[IT] Luca Modesto, "Life in 25000 km", a big trip from Italy to New Zealand starting in March 2015.
[CA] Adri and Maria, "A vista de pedal", exploring South America. (Facebook)
[ES] Pablo and Ilze "The Crazy Travel" (Facebook.)
Francesco "I've got a bike" (Twitter.)
Gabriele Saluci (Facebook. Twitter.)
[FR] Laurent and Élise, from France going East, currently (October 2014) in India.
Tyson "Rolling along", currently (October 2014) in Kyrgyzstan.
Amaya and Eric "World biking"
Cyclotherapy (Facebook.)
Daisuke Nakanishi, who inspired the song "Io e la mia bici" by Roberto Ruggeri.
Juliana Buhring, ultracyclist (Facebook. Twitter.)

Other cool travellers
Paul Salopek's Out of Eden (journalist on a 7-year walk around the world). FacebookTwitter.
Tomislav Perko and his "1000 Days of Summer" project. Twitter.
Angelo "Exploremore". Facebook.

European news, information, articles, documentaries...
New York Times - Europe
BBC Europe

Balkans on Facebook: Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso, Rassegna Est
Balkans on Twitter: @BalcaniCaucaso, @Balkanist@RodolfoToe, @mat_tacconi@LukaZanoni, @MsElleSandberg@oltimus, @TMoens, @sangi0vese@Lucy_Maizels
BBC Documentary: The Death of Yugoslavia (1995)

Travel bloggers
[HR] Putoholičari (Facebook. Twitter.)
[IT] Miprendoemiportovia (Facebook. Twitter.)

Cool map of all the European railways, it might help organizing your future trip!

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